A little over four years ago with nothing more than a laptop, a hell of a lot of determination, and copious amounts of iced coffee I set out to work for myself, from my home, with two toddlers on my hips. Wow. It’s been such a ride and I know it’s only going to get better from here, but that’s not what today is about.

About a year and a half ago during quarantine, we tore apart our bonus room and made it my official home office. Before that I had stacks of old decor from my Etsy shop days, and a wood desk my husband built me that ran the entire length of the room. We were a two man shop back then, woodworking creating custom furniture, and running my Etsy shop from this room where I designed, created, and shipped. Grace Oaks has taken a shift since then and I’ve been exclusively designing interiors, blogging and creating marketing campaigns for brands for three years.

While my office had been updated during that brief time at home when the world shut down, it still wasn’t quite “done.” And my style has certainly shifted. I’m so excited it now reflects not only my style but my brand! I open this door and instantly feel peace. The color palette and textures are calming, the decor is inspiring, and the space leaves room for my brain to run wild! Exactly what I needed.

I knew after years of having a traditional desk I didn’t want that or need it in this space. I wanted a round dining table. One I could have a few chairs at and still have plenty of surface space for my laptop, samples, notebooks, all the things. We tried making a round wood table, but the design felt super busy and the tone (no matter what I tried) was just not right. So, I slapped some feather finish on the top and made a beam base concrete top round table and HOLY SMOKES it’s better than I hoped. It’s gorgeous!
Tutorial coming soon, stay tuned, check out IG I have a reel on this table there.

I had this idea for a sample wall above my table to act as its own wall decor piece while still being super functional. I love design like that- intentionally functional and beautiful. That’s my kinda design!

A pretty piece of textured canvas art I DIY’d, brass photo light, and some new styling on my shelves was all the built-ins needed! I loved the idea of the bench in the center instead of a desk because my boys would sit here and color and play a lot of afternoons with me.

I know so many 90’s trends are back. Here’s one I took a modern approach to- the real-life Pinterest board. Corkboards were so fun back then. Something about physical inspo in hand, in eyesight on the wall just really sounded great. It isn’t done but I’m adding to it.

It’s funny- not a lot changed. I mean the big-ticket pieces remained the same. I love the beadboard ceiling detail, the built-ins and my faux brick floors. I painted my favorite white on the other walls, got rid of the faux shiplap. And updated the styling. Amazing what a few changes can do for a space when you’re intentional with it.

So, what do you think?? If anything, I hope this encourages you to run wild after whatever dream sets your soul on fire. Or if you work from home, make your space inspiring so you’re excited to work. It truly makes all the difference in your surroundings.